Wainwright PTA Board
School Year 2020-2021 Board Members
Jerome Vielman
Calls and coordinates meetings. Sets the agenda for meetings and the drives the PTA's vision. Interfaces with school administration.
Oversees the board and Technology committee
Vice President, Communications
Assists the President with all duties. Stands in for President in absence. Contacts membership for events and with critical information.
Oversees Volunteer Coordinating Committee
Vice President, Membership
Maintains membership roll. Coordinates membership drives.
Oversees Fundraising Committee
Bilingual Liason
Translates all communications. Facilitates translation for meetings or whenever needed.
Oversees Decorating and Inclusion Committees
Case Mundy
Coordinates all financial transactions committed by the PTA. Keeps book of transactions. Drafts annual budget.
Oversees Finance Committee
Jennifer Vielman
Keeps minutes for meetings. Facilitates communications.
Oversees Beautification Committee